Origins of the Generator Inspection Checklist
I have been servicing generators for over 40 years. I have spoken with many state fire marshals, health department officials, insurance adjusters, medicare/medicaid staff and customers.
If you are a healthcare facility
You need to keep your backup power systems in compliance NFPA 110 since it is integral to your funding. In a effort to save money, some, choose to ignore the codes. That might be fine for a while until you get tagged. The result, can be thousands or even ten of thousands of dollars in fines. Then your’re paying your generator service provider to fix those tags he maybe responsible for.
Its Not All Your Fault
Most vendors, contractors, and generator service providers either choose to ignore the standards or are oblivious to the standards. The good news is the Generator Inspection Checklist will help you with the information that you need for inspection and testing assembled into one checklist.
For those of you that are not in healthcare it is still essential you follow NFPA 110 since most state and local governments have adopted the International Building Code & International Fire Code both of which reference NFPA 110 asthe generator standard.
Data centers, public utilities, and much more will benefit from this checklist.
Note: Owners are required to comply with all provisions of all applicable standars. My checklist cannot include all possibilities. It is concerned only with NFPA 110, 2010 edition, chapter 8. For complete information you must hire a licensed professional engineer. I am not a licensed engineer. I am merely a pain in their collective ass and am universally loathed by licensed professional engineers.
Paul Harris
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