If you own a emergency generator, NFPA 110 is your best help.
It outlines how the system is to be equipped, installed, and maintained.
On the menu hover over to “Resources” then hover over the “Maintenance” and you will find some articles there that will be useful to you, or your facility.
Also, I can point out equipment and installation issues that can save you money.
If you are buying a emergency generator for backup power, there are things you need to know about installation and equipment that will help you avoid expense now and later.
NFPA 99 describes what electrical circuits need to be connected for Health Care Facilities.
You need ensure your contractor follows the rules so that you do not have to fix things later at your expense.
For example, an Installation Acceptance Test must be conducted according to NFPA 110, chapter 7.1.3.
It is seldom completed; rather, the generator vendor does a startup test.
The startup favors the vendor.
The reason it’s done is to get past the building inspector to get paid for installing the emergency generator.
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